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Introducing the Inara x Altha Fragrance

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If you have been to any of our sound healing experiences over the past year, you have likely experienced our INARA scent ritual to activate the space and prepare ourselves for deep healing and relaxation. Meditation scent is the fastest pathway to activate a calm state as it is the only sense in direct connection to our emotions and memories. It is also an easy meditation tool to quiet the mind as it enables one to stay focused, present and grounded in the body. Immediately after we discovered INARA we absolutely fell in love with the brand from all angles - their purpose, their ethos, their aesthetics, and their incredibly warm and inviting scents.


INARA is a neuroscience-backed experimental fragrance brand that was created to empower us to be more in control of our emotions and aid in our personal transformation. Each INARA fragrance is paired with a specific sound journey created in collaboration with intentional musicians that is intended to be meditated with after applying the scent. Why combine sound and scent? Because scent is the strongest of all five senses and is the only sense that travels directly to our limbic system (the part of the brain that controls memory and emotions). A study carried out at the Rockefeller University shows that in the short term we remember just 1% of what we touch, 2% of what we hear, 5% of what we see, 15% of what we taste and 35% of what we smell. “Scent provides a direct pathway to our emotions – ever caught a scent of something that immediately transported you back to a specific memory? 75% of all emotions generated everyday is due to smell” Bell & Bell. This is why scent is the simplest and most efficient way to reprogram our unconscious mind, better control our emotions, and transform our lives. When we combine scent with meditation, the brain forms an association between the scent and the feelings we gain during meditation scent – peace, relaxation, and balance. After this association is formed, we can then use the fragrance to reactivate that memory of calm when needed. For example, if you are feeling stressed at work, you can put the fragrance on your palms, place them by your nose, and take a few deep inhales, and be immediately transported back to that place of tranquility.

 Introducing AWAKEN, an Altha x Inara Scent 

AWAKEN was born out of the desire for an elegant, modern, and soothing scent that was inspired by the beautiful beaches and tranquility of the California coast. 

AWAKEN is designed to inspire grounding, deep relaxation, feelings of safety and protection, and unconditional love for ourselves and others. “We decided to create an Altha x Inara scent as we wanted a way for our guests to take the deep peace they feel after a sound bath session home with them, as well as an invitation to maintain a daily meditation routine” Letizia Silvestri, Chief Healing Officer of Altha commented.  Each AWAKEN scent will come with a card containing a QR code, that will link to a 22 minutes long recording, featuring a guided meditation accompanied by soothing sounds. “Combining our custom scent with the healing power of alchemy singing bowls, we wanted to give our attendees a way to feel a sense of serenity whenever needed in their everyday lives. We also wanted a bespoke fragrance that represented Altha in the fullest sense and that would help ground our sound bath attendees  as we activated the beginning of each session.” 

AWAKEN is a luminous floral woody fragrance, made of Jasmine, Palo Santo, Oud, Sandalwood, and Myrrh incense. This warm, enveloping and mystical scent invites deep peace and tranquility, which paired with Altha’s sound journey, activates its healing benefits.

The jasmine flower's spiritual meaning is purity, sensuality, modesty, and inspiration: it has been used for thousands of years in aromatherapy for its healing properties. The ancient Egyptians believed that the scent of jasmine could help them achieve immortality. Jasmine  helps balance your emotions, relieves stress and anxiety, boosts your mood, and can even help you sleep better. Letizia Silvestri, Chief Healing Officer at Altha has always been looking for ways to bring beauty and mystery into her life — and this alchemy is no exception. “When you smell Jasmine, it's like walking into a secret garden. You'll be transported to another dimension that's full of beauty and mystery — a place where you can find awakening and transformation.” The jasmine flower is also associated with romance and love which makes it the perfect choice for aromatherapeutic use in balancing the heart chakra. 

AWAKEN is also a masterful blend of rich, earthy notes that create a grounding experience. Among the other ingredients it features Palo Santo for clearing negative energy and to create protection, and to balance the root chakra as well as Sandalwood which not only opens up our hearts, it also helps the third chakra, so that love may be sustainable, constant, nourishing, and grounding. It keeps us introspective and reflective, compassionate, thoughtful, and considerate. As an incense and anointing oil, Myrrh can lead to rich and rewarding meditation (especially introspection). It is used to heal personal sorrow and to connect with the dead and the Underworld. It is an herb of the ancient Goddess, especially in her aspect as She Who Mourns and who hears the cries of the mourning. It is sacred to the Great Mother, whether she is called Mary, Isis, or Binah.

The high-vibrational scent is made intentionally in California and it is 100% natural, organic, vegan, clean, cruelty-free, sustainable. It was created based on our values of balance, compassion, connection, freedom, humility, nature, and passion and makes a beautiful addition to your wellness practices (not to mention that you will also smell breathtakingly delightful). 

“The first time Letizia and I met in her beautiful sanctuary in Marina Del Ray, we shared stories about our personal transformation journeys & our love for Tulum, Sound and Scent. It was obvious that we were going to co-create together! I was fascinated by how she combines hypnosis and sound and thought that adding scent to her experience would be a must!” said Youmna Aoukar, Inara Co-Founder says. “The packaging design of Awaken by Altha x Inara is inspired by both of our love for luxury, elegant design and simplicity. We designed it to be a  bridge between ancient healing, modern luxury & neuroscience.”

The fragrance will be released officially in February, right on time for Valentine’s Day. To secure your very own limited edition of AWAKEN, head to our Shop page! For any additional questions, feel free to Connect with Us.


New to Altha? We are an LA-based modern sound healing-focused wellness company committed to creating bespoke experiences in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey, Orange County and beyond! 

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