An Introductory Guide to the 7 Chakras


You have likely heard the word chakra before, but many people are not quite sure what they actually mean. For all our chakra-newbies or those looking to delve a bit deeper, stay tuned for this introductory guide to our chakras! 

So, What Are Chakras? 

In short, chakras are the energy centers of the body. Translated literally as “wheel” in Sanskrit, the chakras are spinning disks of energy that correspond to nerves, organs, and our physical and emotional well-being. Each chakra has its own color, name, meaning, element, and specific location on the body.

History of Chakras

The concept of chakras originated in India around 1500 to 1000 BC where they were first mentioned in the Vedas, a large body of ancient religious texts. They have become increasingly popular with the rise of yoga and New Age spiritualities in the Western world.

What Are the 7 Main Chakras?


Color: Red

Location: At the base of the spine

Significance: Physical identity, survival, stability

Element: Earth


Color: Orange

Location: A few inches below the belly button

Significance: Pleasure, sexuality, well-being, creativity

Element: Water


Color: Yellow

Location: Upper stomach

Significance: Confidence, self-worth, self-esteem

Element: Fire 


Color: Green

Location: Center of the chest

Significance: Love, joy, inner peace, compassion

Element: Air 


Color: Blue

Location: Directly at the throat

Significance: Communication, self-expression, truth

Element: Sound


Color: Dark Blue/Indigo

Location: Between the eyes (sometimes called the Brow Chakra)

Significance: Intuition, wisdom, imagination

Element: Light 


Color: Violet or white

Location: Top of the head (where you would wear a crown)

Significance: Awareness, spiritual connection, intelligence

Element: Divine Consciousness

What Does It Mean if a Chakra is “Blocked” or “Unbalanced”?

When someone says that a chakra is blocked, this usually means that the energy flow is unbalanced or blocked in that area of your life (there is either too little or too much energy there). For example, if you have trouble speaking your truth, there is a deficit of energy in your throat chakra, and it needs to be balanced/unblocked. However, chakras can also be overactive. For example, is your solar plexus chakra has too much energy, you may be overconfident or arrogant.  

How Do I Balance My Chakras? 

There are many different ways to do this, but they usually revolve around promoting balance in the physical body. Some of the best ways to do this are through yoga (there are specific poses for each chakra), sound healing (our favorite of course – there are also specific singing bowls for each chakra), tapping/EFT, Tai Chi, or certain forms of meditation.  

Sound Healing and Chakras

One of the many benefits of sound healing is that it balances the chakras by using specific frequencies and vibrations that reverberate throughout your body. Sound healing has the power to align each chakra to its desired frequency, and the healing session can be tailored to what the participant wants to work on.

Interested in a private sound healing session designed to align specific chakras? Connect with Us for more information!


New to Altha? We are an LA-based modern sound healing-focused wellness company committed to creating bespoke experiences in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey, Orange County and beyond!  

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A. A certified sound healer is a trained practitioner who uses various sound therapy techniques, such as sound bowls, tuning forks, and vocal toning, to promote physical and mental well-being. They can help improve well-being by utilizing sound vibrations to reduce stress, alleviate pain, induce relaxation, and enhance overall emotional balance, which can have positive effects on a person's health and quality of life.

  • A. Experiencing a sound bath in Santa Monica offers various benefits, including relaxation, stress reduction, and enhanced mental clarity. The soothing sounds and vibrations created during a sound bath session can promote well-being and balance, making it a popular choice for those seeking a tranquil and rejuvenating experience in this coastal city.

  • A. Yes, sound bath sessions in Malibu are suitable for beginners. These sessions are typically designed to be accessible to people of all experience levels, providing a relaxing and immersive sonic experience that can benefit both newcomers and experienced practitioners alike. The experienced facilitators in Malibu are often skilled at creating a welcoming and comfortable environment for beginners to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of sound baths.

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