A Recap of our Sound Healing Workshop and Sound Baths at Six Senses


In the realm of luxury wellness and sustainability, Six Senses stands as a paragon of serene and tranquil retreats. Recently, the Altha team had the privilege to explore the breathtaking landscapes of Six Senses Ninh Van Bay as visiting practitioners. What drew us to this remarkable oasis was not just its unparalleled beauty but also its alignment with our core values of sustainability, luxury, and immersion in nature.

A Recap of our Sound Healing Workshop and Sound Baths at Six Senses

Why Did We Choose Six Senses?

Six Senses and Altha share a common commitment to sustainability, luxury, and a deep connection with nature. This alignment of values made our choice clear. As we ventured to Six Senses Ninh Van Bay, we were welcomed by the profound serenity that envelops the resort. Nestled amidst lush vegetation, with stunning views over the jungle, and perched above the tranquil ocean, it's a place where time slows down, and nature's melody takes center stage. Our journey at Six Senses included hosting a workshop for the talented Six Senses Spa team. We also had the privilege of conducting multiple sound baths for the resort's discerning guests. The Six Senses Spa, nestled in nature with awe-inspiring jungle views, provided the perfect setting for our workshops. Additionally, the mystical pier, overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean, became another enchanting backdrop for our sound baths. The natural surroundings seamlessly merged with the harmonious sounds of our healing instruments, creating a transformative experience for all.

Which Sound Healing Techniques Were Practiced During the Workshop?

During the workshop, we delved into the world of sound healing, with a particular focus on alchemy crystal bowls techniques. These exquisite crystal bowls are renowned for their ability to guide participants into profound states of relaxation and healing. We explored how to harmoniously combine these crystal bowls with other instruments, including ocean drums, chimes, gongs, Tibetan bowls, and rain sticks. The harmonious blend of these instruments, each with its unique tonal qualities, allowed us to create a symphony of sound that immersed our participants in a deep state of tranquility and self-discovery. The sound vibrations resonated with the natural surroundings, elevating the healing experience to new heights. It was a journey of harmony and rejuvenation, in perfect harmony with the Six Senses ethos.

How Did Participants Feel After the Sound Healing Workshop?

The participants of our sound healing workshops at Six Senses left with a profound sense of tranquility and peace. The immersive experience allowed them to disconnect from the chaos of the outside world and reconnect with their inner selves. The serene environment of Six Senses, combined with the harmonious sounds of our instruments, created a space for profound relaxation and introspection. As they emerged from the workshops and sound baths, a sense of calm and balance prevailed. Many shared that they felt rejuvenated, with a newfound clarity of mind. The tranquil energy of Six Senses and the transformative power of sound healing had worked their magic, leaving participants with a lasting sense of well-being. The partnership between Altha and Six Senses is a testament to the power of sound healing, nature, and luxury. The serene and tranquil environment of Six Senses Ninh Van Bay provided the perfect backdrop for our workshops and sound baths, allowing participants to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and rejuvenation.

We are thrilled to announce that as visiting practitioners, we will be embarking on a journey to several locations worldwide, bringing the transformative power of sound healing to new destinations. Stay tuned for the unveiling of the dates and locations, which we will update as soon as they become available. Experience the serenity, luxury, and sound healing that define the Altha and Six Senses collaboration, and join us on a profound journey of self-discovery and rejuvenation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A. Sound healing retreats can last anywhere from a single day to several days, with durations varying based on the specific retreat program and the depth of healing and rejuvenation participants are seeking.

  • A. Sound bath events promote relaxation and stress relief through the therapeutic use of sound vibrations. These events typically feature instruments like singing bowls, gongs, and chimes that produce soothing, harmonious tones. The vibrations from these sounds resonate with our bodies, creating a calming effect that helps reduce stress and anxiety.

  • A. A typical crystal bowl sound healing session usually lasts for about 30 to 60 minutes. The duration can vary depending on the practitioner and the specific goals of the session. Shorter sessions are often used for relaxation and stress reduction, while longer sessions may include more comprehensive healing and meditation practices.

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