Sound Bowls for Sound Therapy


Sound therapy is a growing trend in the wellness industry. Whether you're looking for a relaxing sound to accompany your meditative experience or want something that helps you sleep, sound therapy can be an easy way to incorporate relaxation into your daily routine. Sound Bowls are a relatively easy to learn, and here at Altha we offer one-on-one mentorship programs and Crystal Tones Consultations for those who want to embrace this practice.  

What Is The Science Behind Sound Therapy?  

There's a scientific explanation for why the sounds of these bowls have such a powerful effect on us. Sound waves are vibrations that travel through the air, but they also travel through water. Our body is made of 70% of water. As a result, our body is constantly vibrating and absorbing sound waves as they pass through it.

Sound therapy works because everything in the world has an energetic vibration or frequency--including us! When we're exposed to different sounds at certain frequencies, it can have positive effects on our health and well-being by influencing both physical and mental processes within our bodies.

Sound therapy has been shown to improve quality of life for those suffering from anxiety disorders such as PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), depression and bipolar disorder by helping them manage their symptoms while reducing reliance on medication. It's also been shown to reduce pain levels associated with fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis by stimulating endorphins (the body's natural painkillers). In addition, sound therapy can help treat learning disorders like ADD/ADHD by enhancing focus on tasks at hand instead of allowing thoughts unrelated topic at hand enter consciousness; this results in improved memory recall abilities too!

What Are The Benefits of Using Sound Bowls For Sound Therapy? 

You don’t need to be a certified sound healer to own or play sound bowls: they can be easily integrated into anyone’s daily life. The possibilities with these transformational instruments are endless, but some of the common ways people use them are:

-      facilitate meditation practices at home, at a yoga studio or at a sound healing retreat

-      provide a relaxing break from work or studying

-      give a smooth start and/or end of your day

-      help calm children

-      supply musical accompaniment

-      provide vibrational massage

-      soothe pets with anxiety

-      providing grounding and focus when you feel scattered or stressed 


How To Choose The Right Singing Bowls for Sound Therapy? 

There are several kinds of singing bowls, each with their own unique sound and purpose. Choosing the right bowls is a matter of personal preference, and budget, as they are all meant to support meditation and relaxation, and they all have the incredible ability to entrain brain waves.  

Tibetan bowls are made of a mix of several metals and they generate deep and lower vibrations as well as harmonious and soothing sounds. They can be held, placed on the body or on the floor. They are the most resistant as they don’t break as easily and they require the lowest investment.  

The Original Classic Frosted Crystal Singing Bowls and Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls are on average, more expensive, and more fragile than the Tibetan bowls.

The Original Classic Frosted Crystal Singing Bowls are the sturdiest, loudest and most affordable. They are tuned in at 432Hz the so called “universal frequency”, and produce a grounding energy, and they help promote stability and peace – they are great for outdoor spaces, and if there is only one healer playing for large group.

Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls are by far the most powerful tools for transformation and healing and it is what we use at Altha – they have been specially crafted from a combination of pure quartz and a variety of metals and precious gems to produce specific frequencies and tones, resulting in tones that are nothing short of incredible. The addition of metals or gemstones (such as amethyst, platinum, rose quartz, azeztulite, celestite, abalone, moonstone, tourmaline…) adds another dimension to the sound. They add their own qualities by dampening or filtering the pure crystal sound. Especially in the case of metals such as gold or platinum, they also add the resonant characteristics of these materials. Each bowl is unique, and it comes with a specific frequency and note, hence you want to work with an expert Certified Sound Healer to combine them together (to ensure they ate harmonious). They are more fragile, quieter, and they do sustain the sound and the vibration for longer than the frosted bowls – they also do require a larger investment, but they are indeed worth of it, as they are very powerful, and easier to play.  

How Can Sound Bowls Be Used For Meditation and Relaxation 

When you start working with sound bowl, we suggest approaching them with love and gentleness: they are fragile, which is part of the beauty of this practice that teaches us to be soft and gentle with ourselves. All bowls come with a “O Ring” base and a mallet. The ring helps keeping them stable and sturdy as you play. There are different kinds of mallets, from suede to silicon – we at Altha we use the silicon mallet to strike, and the silicon ones to play, so it doesn’t make any friction and generates any unwanted sounds. The lip of the bowl is what generates the beautiful melody, as you gently apply constant pressure in a circular motion.  


Sound healing is one of the most powerful ways to heal yourself, and it's something that anyone can do. It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or an expert at meditation--you can start with just five minutes a day to experience the benefits!


Interested in trying sound healing therapy? Check out all of our Offerings to discover all the ways you can implement sound medicine into your wellness practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is crystal bowl sound healing?

A. Crystal Bowl Sound Healing is a therapeutic practice that utilizes crystal singing bowls' soothing sounds and vibrations. These bowls are made from various quartz crystals and are played by striking or rubbing them with a mallet. The resonant tones produced by the bowls create a deep sense of relaxation and promote physical, emotional, and energetic healing.

Q.2 What is a corporate wellness retreat?

A. A corporate wellness retreat is a specialized program or event companies organize to promote their employees' physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It is typically held at a serene and rejuvenating location away from the workplace, allowing employees to disconnect from their daily routines and focus on their health and wellness.

Q.3 What are the benefits of playing an ocean drum?

A. Playing an ocean drum offers several benefits. It can promote relaxation, stress relief, and a sense of calm due to the gentle and soothing sound it produces. Many people find the sound of ocean drums meditative and conducive to mindfulness practices. 

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