Awaken - Altha x Inara Signature Scent


AWAKEN was born out of the desire for an elegant, modern, and soothing scent that was inspired by the beautiful beaches and tranquility of the California coast. ⁠

⁠AWAKEN is a luminous floral woody fragrance, made of Jasmine India, Jasmin Sambac, Clary Sage, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, and Myrrh Incense. ⁠

Transported into a secret garden, a divinely elegant Jasmine scent brightened with tea-like notes of Clary Sage, envelops you and opens your heart. Warm, soothing, and mystical notes of Cedarwood, Sandalwood and Myrrh Incense scent invite deep peace, grounding and tranquility, which paired with Altha’s sound journey, activates its healing benefits. ⁠

The sensual aroma of Jasmine brings together the fiery dynamism associated with the masculine aspect (yang) and the soft earthiness of the feminine (yin). We used both kinds of Jasmine to add shading, facets and texture to the flower, similarly to how a painter might use two shades of blue to paint the sky.

⁠Why pair scent with a sound meditation? ⁠

⁠Scent is the strongest of the five senses, and is the only sense that travels to your limbic system (your brain’s emotional & memory center). This is why scent is the most efficient way to reprogram your subconscious mind, thereby enabling you to transform your life.⁠ By meditating with the scent, you can rewire certain areas of your brain to feel peace and relaxation anytime you smell the fragrance.

⁠The high-vibrational scent is made intentionally and with love in California.

Awaken is 100% natural, organic, vegan, clean, cruelty-free, sustainable.⁠

Ingredients: Jasmine India, Jasmin Sambac, Clary Sage, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, and Myrrh Incense

How to wear: Apply to pulse points (neck, chest, and wrist) while lightly rolling the ball on the skin to release the fragrance

Suggested use: place on your palms, rub your palms together to activate your heart, place hands next your nose, take 3 deep breath in, inhaling calm, balance and peace, and exhaling everything that no longer serves you.


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